
When is the time right to replace a pet?

Pet Loss Library « Return to Pet Loss Library When is the time right to replace a pet? by Kitty Walker, LMSW-ACP Dear Kitty, Hi, my name is Shawn. I’m 14 and from New Jersey. My dog, Holly, just recently died on July 7th and it was the only companion, friend, family member that I…

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My Little Jack Russell

by Karin Baltzell, Ph.d Dear Karin: My little Jack Russell was killed 5-5-03 & I feel it was my fault as every morning, 5am I would let her out with me to run back & forth to my daughters, who is 4 houses away. Only this morning she looked directly at me & ran the…

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by Linda J. Austin Most people think that caregivers take care of people. That’s not always the case. I was almost asleep Tuesday night when I heard an unfamiliar sound. I thought perhaps it was the cat or a squirrel in the barn. The scraping, bumping continued. I went downstairs to find the German Shepherd…

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When will grief end?

by Kitty Walker, LMSW-ACP Dear Kitty, On January 1, 2001, I had to take my best friend of 15+ years for the last ride of her precious life. Making the decision to put her to sleep was the HARDEST thing I’ve ever had to do. I am a Paramedic Firefighter and I’m around death and…

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Surviving the Hollow Days After a Pet Has Died

by Kitty Walker, LMSW-ACP Several years ago my canine soul mate, Kito, escaped peacefully from his prison of congestive heart failure. It was late September, the same time of year I had brought him home as a tiny Sheltie furball 10 years earlier. I was devastated. I had no idea I could hurt so deeply…

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When an animal loved one dies

by Katie Boland In the summer of 1997, my entire pet family left for heaven. The first to go was nine year old Rosie, the Brittany I had rescued some five years earlier. She had eaten raw sewage when the pipes had backed up and burst, and she was so ill, I had to put…

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Frannie and Frieda

by Heather My story is of two very loved family pets, Frannie and Frieda. Two very missed cats. Both hit by a vehicle on our street. First Frannie, a very affectionate six year old grey tabby she loved nothing more that to hang around out side with her cat buddies. I am an airline employee/web…

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Love for Lizzie

by Lynne My cat Lizzie was a truly unique cat. She acted like a dog, in that she ran to you if you called, she followed you or strangers down the sidewalk, visited the neighbors, she followed commands, and jumped from the ground into my arms. She was very vocal, and responded in meows when…

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Winter – My Cat, My Friend , My Baby

by Lisa Johnston I adopted Winter on June 17, 1999. He was a beautiful white Maine Coon with bright blue eyes and a little gray patch on his head. He was no older than three months when he came to live with us. He was a gift to my kitten, Whiskey, who was the same…

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The love of my life

by Freddysmom Yesterday morning, just 24 hours ago, I had to put my beloved puppy, Freddy to sleep. I can not begin to describe the pain I am feeling. I have lost every single family member except for my sister and none of those losses can compare with how I am feeling now. Freddy was…

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